Mike Tveten

Curriculum & Training Specialist

After getting degrees in wildlife science and entomology, I moved to Tucson to work on a PhD in entomology. But I soon discovered that I loved teaching more than research, so I gave up on the PhD program and spent 35 years teaching biology at Pima Community College. My goals have always been to make biology fun and relevant for students, and to encourage that enthusiasm in other teachers. I’ve written two books on storytelling for educators, and one book on student success. Even though I’ve retired from teaching, I still want to make a difference – and I’m extremely honored to be part of Higher Ground.

Now that our two kids are grown with families of their own, my wife and I live full time in our RV and travel the country. Our hobbies include canoeing, fishing, and hiking, and I still love playing electric bass when I get the chance.