Charles “Chippy” Sejalbo

BeMapt Coach

My Name is Charles Sejalbo. I’m originally from California, where I grew up in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. I came to Tucson back in 2015 to attend The University of Arizona where I later graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health.

During my time in college, I grew fond of Tucson, adoring the rich culture and community it held. I have always aspired to give back to others and decided to start a career in social services and behavioral health to support the community around me.

During that time, I came to realize how much important support and resources can affect an individual’s future. I’m excited to join Higher Ground and hope to be able to continue that passion to help others in the community.

When I am not working, I like to spend my free time with friends and loved ones. I indulge in watching movies, working out, and learning new things. I enjoy being an amateur foodie, trying any new places to eat in Tucson.