Angelique Matus

Student Support Specialist at Lawrence 3-8 School

Some people tell me that the trauma I experienced as a child is what made me the strong, independent, and compassionate person I am today. However, I refuse to give my trauma that praise. What made me the strong woman I am today is the perseverance to not let my trauma define who I am. It took digging beyond my own strength to become my own hero. I was determined to become the person who the little girl with curly hair needed.

I always knew that I wanted to go into a profession that involved working with children. I graduated from Desert View high school in 2014, and then attended the University of Arizona that fall semester, double majoring in biology and creative writing. However, after two deaths of my two closest family members, I became a college drop out. It took me a few years of going through the five stages of grief, which are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance before I found myself, and regained my motivation. It was finding self-care practices. Which just so happens to be another of my passions in life, poetry. Poetry is something that has played a huge role in my life. Being able to write about my trauma, my grief and things that may have been an ugly experience for myself, into something beautiful for others to read is what has helped me.

I have won awards, been published in books, have had my pieces in dance performances and recently won second place in Pima Community college Sandscript 2022 magazine. Poetry writing has been a huge outlet for me, and gave me that strength to go back to school and continue being that person I needed as a child. I am currently attending Pima Community College, majoring in psychology and creative writing.

I am a Native American woman from the Pascua Yaqui Tribe. I have worked as a lead preschool teacher, as a reading and writing interventionist for 1st and 3rd graders for one of TUSD’s elementary schools. When I came across Higher Ground, I immediately knew that this was my calling. I knew that this is where my path was leading all along. Their mission and values aligned with what I wanted to do within my career field. When I received the news that I was going to be a part of the Higher Ground team, I went home and cried. I hope that with my skills, and passion for working with others and children can help me grow within Higher Ground, and as well be a great contribution.